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a hundred years ago today a man died. he died immortal. he departed laden bated it. he the great abyss.
in the presence of this society, frivolous and dismal, voltaire alone, having before his eyes those united forces, the court, the nobility, capital; that unconscious power, the blind multitude ...



*by taking examples
you feel it you because something has forced your eyes shut.
and then it's over. you relax. your head is clear, your body under control.
i am talking, of course, about sneezing. i come from a long line of sneezers. my father sneezed, and his father and his father's father before him pose my most beautiful praise from my heart. now i would like to work out the most mysterious philosophy in my heart. now i would like to sing a most enchanting praise for my profession from my heart. i love the profession as a teacher. i love my working post.
many roads, in all directions, long and short, narrow and wide present before us, of which only one way is left for the youth to feel and take and this way is called "make your way out".


*In a Humorous e important reasons, I have to speak so. Say, there are great difference betmenting on a piece of works of literature is up to the critic.


Mr. Chairman, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,
I should like first of all, to once again thank the Nor so many different mouths and different sources, that it sometimes seems to me to be general incantation more or less deprived of practical meaning. es to me through my various senses─through the ear, through the eye, and through certain imperishable scents. I will tell you what they are, and there may be those among you who feel as I do.


to me, the present time is highly valued and easily lost in the e back to you again. though you are not sure about the existence of tomorroes the past. what pity it is if i let it go neglectfully!
--from li dazhao:"the present time"
我以为世界上最可宝贵的就是"今",最易丧失的也是"今",因为她最容易丧失,所以更觉她的?易丧失,1 ∥裁?今"最可贵呢?最好借哲人耶曼孙所说的话来回答这个疑问:"你若爱千古,尔当爱现在。昨日不能唤回来,明天还不确实,尔能确有把握的就是今日。今日一天,当明日两天。"
today, gentlemen, as i know that many among you are interested in the land, and as i feel that what is termed "agriculture distress" is at the present moment a topic too serious to be omitted from our consideration, i shall say some words upon the subject of that agricultural distress, and particularly, because in connection with it there have arisen in some quarters of the country proposals which have received a countenance far beyond their deserts, to reverse or to compromise the work which it took us one whole generation to achieve, and to revert to the mischievous, obstructive, and improving system of protection.


a hundred years ago today a man died. he died immortal. he departed laden bated it. he the great abyss.

in the presence of this society, frivolous and dismal, voltaire alone, having before his eyes those united forces, the court, the nobility, capital; that unconscious power, the blind multitude ...


you feel it you because something has forced your eyes shut.

and then its over. you relax. your head is clear, your body under control.

i am talking, of course, about sneezing. i come from a long line of sneezers. my father sneezed, and his father and his fathers father before him were all men for whom a blat from the nose was every bit as bracing as a plunge into the snow following a sauna.

this involuntary reflex known as the sneeze is not one of the burning mysteries of our time, but id like to tell you about some superstitions that have sprung up around sneezing and also let you know whats actually happening when you sneeze. finally, in the interests of social harmony, ill tell you how to sneeze safely and politely.


you feel it you because something has forced your eyes shut.
and then it's over. you relax. your head is clear, your body under control.
i am talking, of course, about sneezing. i come from a long line of sneezers. my father sneezed, and his father and his father's father before him were all men for whom a blat from the nose was every bit as bracing as a plunge into the snow following a sauna.
this involuntary reflex known as the sneeze is not one of the burning mysteries of our time, but i'd like to tell you about some superstitions that have sprung up around sneezing and also let you know what's actually happening when you sneeze. finally, in the interests of social harmony, i'll tell you how to sneeze safely and politely.

