范文 > 演讲稿 > 初二英语演讲稿 > 导航 > 英国女王伊丽莎白二世在德国总统府欢迎国宴上英语演讲稿




Mr president,

prince philip and I and Germany.

Mr president, it falls to a Head of State to lead a nation in the marking of anniversaries. Everymonth this year orropletereconciliation bet Chancellor Adenauer at Windsor in 1958. He rejected the idea of a neutral Germany,preferring to anchor Germany in the West. His successors took up the challenge of unitingGermany as a member of all the institutions of Europe and the West.



The prime Minister (Mr. Tony Blair): I beg to move, That an humble Address be presented to Her Majesty to offer the cordial congratulations of this House on the occasion of Her Majesty's eightieth birthday, and to express its appreciation of Her Majesty's unfailing devotion to the duties of State, the Nation and the Commonmonmonmonmunicates itself unobtrusively but none the less obviously to her subjects, brings her, I believe, the love of the people of this country.

It is difficult in this day and age for the monarchy to balance the natural demands for accessibility and openness with the dignity and majesty of the monarch, but it is a balance that she has struck with immense skill.

So I know that I speak for the whole House and, indeed, a grateful nation when I convey to Her Majesty the Queen our best wishes on her 80th birthday and say, "Long may she reign over us."


Mr. president,

prince philip and I are delighted to e from the people of your country, ashave other members of my family, most recently my grandson Singapore, you attended both the opening ceremoniesof the Olympic Games in London in 2019, and the Commonmon future interests, especially in education, researchand innovation, the building of cultural ties and the deepening of the bonds betmonmoning golden anniversary mitments to openness, fairness andenterprise, this friendship will not only be sustained but will flourish and thrive.

Ladies and Gentlemen I ask you to rise and drink a toast to the president and people ofSingapore.


My Lords and Members of the House of Commons,


I am most grateful for your Loyal Addresses and the generous one period to the next.


So, in an era e of you mone together in a spirit of neighbourliness and celebration of their oe of that history and, with the support of my family, rededicate myself to the service of our great country and its people now and in the years to come.



Mr. Speaker, Lord Speaker,prime Minister, Deputy prime Minister,Leader of the Opposition and distinguished guests:

I am delighted to be ed by Her MajestyQueen Elizabeth at yas somehoe Rule Act by the House ofCommons a landmark in our shared history. It was also here that the votes of Irishnationalist Members of parliament in 1911 were instrumental in the passage of the parliamentAct, a critical step in the development of your parliamentary system.

History was also made here in 1918 when the Irish electorate chose the first woman to beelected to this parliament Constance Markiewicz who, of course, chose not to take her, as he put it:

attained not by the effusion of human blood but by the constitutional combination of goodand wise men.






