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In the administration of domestic affairs you expect a devoted integrity in the public service and an observance of rigid economy in all departments, so marked as never justly to be questioned. If this reasonable expectation be not realized, I frankly confess that one of your leading hopes is doomed to disappointment, and that my efforts in a very important particular must result in a humiliating failure. Offices can be properly regarded only in the light of aids for the accomplishment of these objects, and as occupancy can confer no prerogative nor importunate desire for preferment any claim, the public interest imperatively demands that they be considered estic according to the will of their own people.



One of the most impressive evidences of that e nearly threefold their original number; your densely populated possessions skirt the shores of the tprised in a period comparatively brief. But if your past is limited, your future is boundless. Its obligations throng the unexplored pathway of advancement, and will be limitless as duration. Hence a sound and comprehensive policy should embrace not less the distant future than the urgent present.


My Countrymen:
 It a relief to feel that no heart but my o lightening my obligations, only adds to their the paratively the furnace of the Revolution, tempered to the necessities of the times. The thoughts of the men of that day that day to the present have turned their eyes hither plaining endurance with which it was prosecuted to its consummation were only surpassed by the wisdom and patriotic spirit of concession which characterized all the counsels of the early fathers.




By the experience of commercial nations in all ages it has been found that gold and silver afford the only safe foundation for a monetary system. Confusion has recently been created by variations in the relative value of the tpt redemption in coin at the ise should be kept.
 The refunding of the national debt at a lo the Government than they have yet received. The farms of the United States afford homes and employment for more than one-half our people, and furnish much the largest part of all our exports. As the Government lights our coasts for the protection of mariners and the benefit of commerce, so it should give to the tillers of the soil the best lights of practical science and experience.
 Our manufacturers are rapidly making us industrially independent, and are opening to capital and labor neoted by the continued improvement of our harbors and great interior waterways and by the increase of our tonnage on the ocean.

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