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英语演讲稿开头:Shall We Choose Death。

勇于开始,才能找到成功的路。为了让自己在演讲时保证自己的演讲质量,最好提前写一篇演讲稿。演讲可以改善自己与他人交流的能力,写好演讲稿有哪些关键要点呢?相信你应该喜欢小编整理的英语演讲稿开头:Shall We Choose Death,建议你收藏并分享给其他需要的朋友!

小编演讲稿频道为大家整理的《英语演讲稿开头:Shall ent and consider yourself only as a member of a biological species bs. the general public still thinks in terms of the obliteration of cities. it is understood that the ne the blob can nobs is quite likely to put an end to the human race. it is feared that if many hydrogen bombs are used there bs had been reached in time of peace, they ething utterly ney and in the little , so incapable of impartial love, so blind even to the simplest dictates of self-preservation, that the last proof of its silly cleverness is to be the extermination of all life on our planet? - for it ent and reflect that, if they our quarrels? i appeal, as a human being to human beings: remember your humanity, and forget the rest. if you can do so, the way lies open to a new paradise; if you cannot, nothing lies before you but universal death.


名人演讲:Shall We Choose Death?

SHALL ent and consider yourself only as a member of a biological species bs are more po the blob can nobs is quite likely to put an end to the human race. It is feared that if many hydrogen bombs are used there ing of Man that these things e men have shoent and reflect that, if they our quarrels? I appeal, as a human being to human beings: remember your humanity, and forget the rest. If you can do so, the way lies open to a new paradise; if you cannot, nothing lies before you but universal death.










约翰逊演讲稿:We Shall Overcome

林登贝恩斯约翰逊 (Lyndon Baines Johnson) 出生于得克萨斯州斯通威尔。1930年毕业于该州圣马科斯西南师范学院,1935年毕业于乔治顿大学法律学院。1930年至1932年在休斯敦任教。


every section of this country, to join me in that cause.

At times history and fate meet at a single time in a single place to shape a turning point in mans unending search for freedom. So it en peacefully protested the denial of their rights as Americans. Many e to live , he shall choose his leaders, educate his children, provide for his family according to his ability and his merits as a human being. To apply any other test -- to deny a man his hopes because of his color, or race, or his religion, or the place of his birth is not only to do injustice, it is to deny America and to dishonor the dead plex and most difficult. But about this there can and should be no argument.

Every American citizen must have an equal right to vote.

大学生英语演讲稿:We Are The World ,We Are The Future

the past, weve learnt that the life is tough, but we are tougher. today on, lets be the owners of ourselves, and speak out We are the world, we are the future.


英语演讲稿:How can we succeed

Success is everyone as Edison said, genius is 99 percent on 1 percent of the hard Harvard University, and with their friends opened a computer company called Microsoft, when his friends Friends are opposed to what he has done, but Bill Gates said, time will prove that I am right to do so. Now, computers in all walks of life in a wide range of applications, to the peoples work and life have brought tremendous changes, Microsoft has become the worlds largest software one.

There are a lot of success, for example, scientific and cultural qualities of their own. Without a good basic knowledge, even though hard work and a heaven-sent opportunity to succeed or not. There are left to help others, it is necessary to embark on the path of success and is exceptionally difficult.

To be successful, needs to be done and opportunities.



尊敬的评委,尊贵的来宾,女士们,先生们,大家晚上好!能够站在这里进行演说,我感到十分荣幸。今天我将和大家一起分享……honorable judges,distinguished guests,ladies and gentlemen,good evening!I feel really honored to stand here and make a speech.today I'm going to look together e to the English Speaking Competition for Grade 2005. (掌声~~~) First of all, please allopete in today’s English Speaking Competition, all from Grade 2005. And this competition e; MiLuo, (掌声~~~)e contestant No.1

(译文:现在,让我们有请1号选手。 微笑状~)

Thank you for contestant No.1, noe contestant No.3

(译文:谢谢我们的2号选手。女士们,先生们,下面我宣布1号选手的最后得分是:86.6分。恭喜!接下来,让我们有请我们的3号选手。 微笑状~)

And noe back to the English Speaking Competition for Grade 2005. After our judges’ discussion, the exciting moment is coming.

(译文:女士们,先生们,欢迎回来。您现在看到的是外院2005级英语演讲比赛。经过我们评委老师的讨论之后,激动人心的时刻到了。 兴奋状~)

Right nopetition has come to an end. Thank you for your coming! See you next time. Bye-Bye! 你自己看看可有什么适合你的!!!



尊敬的评委,尊贵的来宾,女士们,先生们,大家晚上好!能够站在这里进行演说,我感到十分荣幸。今天我将和大家一起分享……honorable judges,distinguished guests,ladies and gentlemen,good evening!I feel really honored to stand here and make a speech.today I'm going to look together e to the English Speaking Competition for Grade 2005. (掌声~~~) First of all, please allopete in today’s English Speaking Competition, all from Grade 2005. And this competition e; MiLuo, (掌声~~~)e contestant No.1

(译文:现在,让我们有请1号选手。 微笑状~)

Thank you for contestant No.1, noe contestant No.3

(译文:谢谢我们的2号选手。女士们,先生们,下面我宣布1号选手的最后得分是:86.6分。恭喜!接下来,让我们有请我们的3号选手。 微笑状~)

And noe back to the English Speaking Competition for Grade 2005. After our judges’ discussion, the exciting moment is coming.

(译文:女士们,先生们,欢迎回来。您现在看到的是外院2005级英语演讲比赛。经过我们评委老师的讨论之后,激动人心的时刻到了。 兴奋状~)

Right nopetition has come to an end. Thank you for your coming! See you next time. Bye-Bye! 你自己看看可有什么适合你的!!!

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