范文 > 合同范本 > 检讨书 > 导航 > TIMBER,SALE,CONTRACT



如今的世界正在不断的发展,人民群众的契约意识越来越强了,签署合同在合作的流程当中是一个重要环节。您是否还对合同的撰写感到一脸迷茫呢?经过整理,小编为你呈上TIMBER SALE CONTRACT,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读本文。

this contract entered into this _______ day of __________ ______ by and bet felling and logging operations.
the purchaser shall clear necessary logging roads only after their locations have been definitely agreed upon any and all liability for personal injuries, death and/or property damage suffered or incurred by any person in connection pensation insurance for all persons used in the harvest of the timber.
seller and purchaser mutually agree as follows:
all modifications of this contract will be reduced to writing, dated, signed and witnessed, and will be attached to this contract.
resale of any portion of the standing timber conveyed by this contract will not release the purchaser from any or all the terms of this contract unless the seller signs a written release.
in case of dispute over the terms of this contract, final decision shall rest with a reputable person mutually agreed upon by parties to this contract. in the case of further disagreement, final decision shall rest with an approved board of three persons, one to be selected by each party to this contract and the third to be selected by the other two.
in witness whereof, the parties have executed this agreement as of the day and year first above written.
witness: ____________________

合同记载着签订双方的责任和义务,也是维护自身权益的最好保障!在参考了《TIMBER SALE CONTRACT》后你收获了些什么吗?如有需要请收藏本站,范文资讯网为您准备了更多有关内容,欢迎随时阅读!
