

在如今这个快节奏的世界,我们在平时很多时候都会使用到合同,签订合同是对双方之间权利义务的最好规范,合同的范本格式是怎样的?小编经过整理,为你编辑了PROVISIONAL AGREEMENT FOR SALE AND PURCHASE,大家不妨来参考。希望你能喜欢!

provisional agreement for sale and purchase

this agreement is made on betpletion pletion shall take place on or before and the property is to be sold to the purchaser subject to clause 17 hereof but otherpletion, the vendor shall deliver vacant possession of the property to the purchaser.

5. the purchaser shall not sub-sell the property or transfer the benefit of this agreement, ination ination, the vendor agrees to tender the original of the certificate of availability for sale to the purchaser or his solicitors ination (otherplete the sale in the manner herein contained or fail to comply the vendor and the purchaser’s agent shall be entitled to receive hk$ from the purchaser as commission. such commission shall be paid on or before .

or in consideration of the services rendered by the agent, the agent shall be entitled to receive hk$ from the vendor and hk$ from the purchaser as commission. such commission shall be paid on or before .

13. if in any case either the vendor or the purchaser fails to complete the sale and purchase in the manner herein mentioned, the defaulting party shall compensate at once the vendor’s agent hk$ and the purchaser’s agent hk$ /the agent hk$ as liquidated damages.

14. the property is sold to the purchaser on an 'as is' basis.

15. this agreement supersedes all prior negotiations, representation, understanding and agreements bet the purchaser the initial deposit of hk$ (cheque no. )

合同不仅仅是是维护法律权益的证明,更是对自身责任的规划。在阅读了这篇《PROVISIONAL AGREEMENT FOR SALE AND PURCHASE》之后如果还想阅读更多相关文章,请多多关注我们检讨书,欢迎下次再来,在此期待您的光临!
