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Exclusive Distribute Agreement。

随着人们对于法律的深入了解,合同的效用显现就越发明显了,合同条款的对等性是公平原则的重要内容,我们应该怎么撰写合同?经过收集并整理,小编为你呈上Exclusive Distribute Agreement,希望能对你有所帮助,请收藏。

the follopany (hereinafter referred to as party b)
article 1, relation betpany exclusive right of import and sell his products in the range of .
article 4, exclusive right
except for company, party a can’t appoint other company as his distributor and agent in the range of .
article 5, prices
party a must offer the most favourable prices to party b. the most favourable prices must be loer ers oting the sale of products constantly.

article 8, responsbility of distributor
1. maintain a organizations e fairs or make advertise material such as panies.
6. offer related domestic business information to party a constantly.
article 9, valid time limit
this agreement comes into force since the , the term of validity is years.
if the tpliance yet that the interests of another party are lost, another party has right of demanding the economic responsibility of the party otion of international trade ( ccpit ) for arbitrating, the arbitration is the end, the rational expenses that happened bete into force in appointed time after both parties sign.
place of sign.
party a________ party b_________

合同不仅仅是是维护法律权益的证明,更是对自身责任的规划。在阅读了这篇《Exclusive Distribute Agreement》之后如果还想阅读更多相关文章,请多多关注我们检讨书,欢迎下次再来,在此期待您的光临!
